Instruction for Mathematics and Science in Primary and Lower Secondary Grades
For public schools, instruction in Dubai follows the national model provided by the UAE Ministry of Education.
Grade at Which Specialist Teachers for Mathematics and Science are Introduced
The introduction of specialist teachers usually starts at the end of primary school, but this varies depending on various curricula.
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Laboratories
The Ministry provides instructional materials free of charge for all students in public schools, and equips all public schools with laboratories, learning resources rooms, and other rooms for scientific activity.
Use of Technology
The use of technology in public schools is relatively low and does not yet meet the Dubai Strategic Plan standards. Schools have started using e-mail for formal communications, and the majority of teachers have responded positively to a Ministry recommendation to obtain an International Computer Driving License. This interest in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tends to be less prevalent in early public education. Each classroom is supplied with only one computer, and the computer laboratory is used exclusively for the teaching of ICT, rather than being integrated into other subject areas. On the other hand, calculators are widely used beginning at Grade 4, and students are introduced to more complicated devices as they move on to upper grades.