Suggested Readings

Beddington, J. and Rothwell, N. (2012). STEM Education: Text of a letter to the Prime Minister. London: Council for Science and Technology.

Core Maths. (2015). Core maths support study. Retrieved from

House of Lords. (2012). Select Committee on Science and Technology 2nd report of session 2012–2013: Higher education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. London: The Stationery Office.

Jerrim, J., & Choi, Á. (2014). The mathematics skills of school children: how does England compare to the high-performing East Asian jurisdictions? Journal of Education Policy29 (3), 349–376.

The Maths Hub. (2015). Retrieved from

National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. (2015). Maths support programmes.

Science Learning Centre (2013). The future of STEM education: A National Science Learning Centre white paper. Retrieved from