The Mathematics Curriculum in Primary and Lower Secondary Grades

A summary follows of the national curriculum guides for mathematics through the eighth grade. The curriculum ensures that students who finish the second cycle of basic education (elementary level, Grades 4 to 6) have the necessary skills and a solid foundation in mathematics. Students must be able to do the following in the mathematics domains described below:2

  • Mathematical reasoning—Find tendencies in a sequence of results and generalize them; extract general statements from specific contexts; establish procedures; and argue by providing an analogy and giving examples and counter-examples
  • Problem solving—Visualize situations and handle information; use and apply mathematics in various domains, especially in technology and other branches of learning; verify results; and use mini-calculators to carry out the four operations
  • Communication—Read, understand, and interpret a mathematical text by translating it into figures, representations, or equations, and translate a given mathematical relation into spoken language
  • Spatial—Represent locations on a map, characterize various plane figures and use geometric instruments to draw them, and develop an understanding of some solid figures
  • Numerical—Master the Indo-Arabic system of numeration; recognize decimal numbers; master all types of calculation, including computational and mental, and learn to use a mini-calculator (for integers and decimals); perform simple operations with fractions; and estimate a result
  • Measurement—Measure perimeter, area, capacity, and angles and use metric units
  • Statistics—Collect and interpret data

Exhibit 1 presents a summary of the mathematics concepts and skills covered in the fourth grade of basic education (elementary level, Cycle 2).

Exhibit 1: Mathematics Content in Basic Education, Grade 4

Content Area Main Topics Concepts and Skills Covered
Arithmetic and Algebra Numbers
  • Natural integers
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
Geometry Location
  • Distance from a point to a straight line
  • Location of a point on a square grid
Solid figures
  • Building models
Plane figures
  • Intersecting straight lines and parallel straight lines
  • Classification of quadrilaterals according to their sides
  • Circles and discs
  • Drawing symmetrical figures with respect to an axis
Measurement Length
  • Metric units of length
  • Metric units of mass
  • Comparison of areas
  • Liter and its submultiples
Statistics Handling data
  • Collecting and organizing data

In the third cycle of basic education (intermediate level, Grades 7 to 9), students must be able to do the following in the mathematics domains described below:3

  • Mathematical reasoning—Find connections between the real world and mathematical models and between these models and concepts; find generating formulas of a sequence; distinguish between general and particular statements; write simple proofs; and recognize incorrect proofs
  • Problem solving—Analyze situations and deduce the relevant elements; look for necessary information to clarify incomplete sets of information; construct mathematical models associated with a situation; choose strategies for finding a solution; deconstruct problems into simpler tasks, and conversely, combine necessary facts to reach conclusions; and use calculators with memory
  • Communication—Read, understand, and use mathematical notation and language; present work orally or in writing with clarity and rigor, and with particular care when writing proofs
  • Spatial—Construct geometric figures based on a given set of conditions, represent solid (three-dimensional) figures, prove theorems about the properties of plane (two-dimensional) figures, and perform transformations on figures
  • Numerical—Find and use relations among numbers, extend computational techniques to literal expressions, and estimate answers
  • Measurement—Measure area and volume
  • Statistics—Make representations of statistical problems and read them, and calculate the mean of a statistical distribution

Exhibit 2 presents a summary of the mathematics concepts and skills covered in the eighth grade of basic education (intermediate level, Cycle 3).

Exhibit 2: Mathematics Content in Basic Education, Grade 8

Content Area Main Topics Concepts and Skills Covered
Arithmetic and Algebra Numbers
  • Natural integers
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Square roots
  • Powers of positive numbers with a positive integer exponent
  • Powers of a negative integer exponent of 10
  • Inverse proportionalities
Algebraic expressions
  • Common identities
  • Literal expressions with fractional forms
Equations and inequalities
  • Equations of the following type: (ax+b)(cx+d)=0
  • Equations and inequalities of the first degree with one unknown
Geometry Location
  • Relative positions of two circles
  • Geometric loci and constructions
  • Coordinates of the midpoint of a segment
Solid Geometry
  • Plane representations of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres
  • Relative positions of lines and planes
Plane figures
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • Theorem of midpoints in triangles and trapezoids
  • Characteristic properties of parallelograms
  • Central angles and inscribed angles in a circle
  • Area of a circular sector
and figures
  • Vectors and translation
Statistics Handling data
  • Cumulative exact values and frequencies
  • Representation of data, including circular diagrams and cumulative frequency polygons