Instruction for Mathematics and Science in Primary and Lower Secondary Grades

Grade at Which Specialist Teachers for Mathematics and Science are Introduced

In primary school, there is one teacher per class. Beginning in the fifth grade, there are separate specialist teachers for mathematics and science. There is one teacher for all science subjects in Grades 5 and 6. Beginning in the seventh grade, there are separate teachers for biology, chemistry, physics, and geography.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Laboratories

Textbooks, exercise books, and teacher’s editions of textbooks are the main instructional materials used in teaching mathematics and science (both integrated science courses in earlier grades and specialized subjects in later grades). Typically, teachers choose one textbook from among several types for instructional use in science, accompanied by additional supplementary materials. All textbooks and educational computer programs must be approved officially by expert panels within the Ministry of Education and Science. There is a national database of textbooks that stores information on all textbooks in Lithuania (for example, there are more than 20 textbooks in science at the eighth grade level), as well as reviews.2

Other materials do not require approval. Exercise books, researchers’ notes, and other books and teaching tools, which may be gathered by teachers independently, are not included in the national database. Digital content, virtual laboratories, digital objects, tasks, and other resources are free and available to all members of the education community. Digital content is available at and

Many schools use old laboratories and laboratory equipment, but some report a lack of these teaching tools. In recent years, a number of projects have launched to supply schools with laboratories and laboratory equipment for teaching science.

Use of Technology

Teachers are encouraged to utilize information and computer technology, especially in Grades 7 and 8. Teachers may utilize electronic educational tools in class or to create distance learning opportunities, and students may work individually with these technologies. Since 2008, students are taught information technology beginning in the fifth grade. Primary school teachers use computers at their discretion. Computer programs for teaching mathematics and science are being developed gradually; however, because teachers have not learned to use them extensively, these resources often are not utilized in instruction. There also are a number of technology projects in development, including distance learning and electronic teaching tools and programs for training teachers to implement them.3-5

Accommodation Policies for Instruction and Testing

The national curriculum, teacher development, and other policies may be adapted to individual student learning paradigms. While the curriculum provides general directions for assigning grades (marks), teachers largely use their own discretion. Lithuania is an active participant in international surveys, and also administers national surveys, diagnostic tests, and standardized tests.

Students with learning difficulties are allocated lessons (one to three per week) for addressing educational needs, providing educational assistance, and increasing achievement. There are various forms of counseling for students with learning disabilities in the short, medium, and long term. Education support professionals and professionals on the student welfare committee, among others, are involved in identifying the reasons for student learning difficulties and providing assistance. Parents of students with special learning needs are involved, and there are peer support programs in place.

The school administration may recommend that students choose certain elective subjects or subject modules. Special lessons and practice topics are recommended for students with learning difficulties in addition to the above-mentioned support. Teaching methods, teaching materials, and student assessments are adapted for students with special education needs. For example, students with special needs may be granted extended time for completing tasks and access to customized technology (e.g., adapted keyboard and mouse, and assistive resources such as text to speech or larger font size).6