Special Initiatives in Mathematics and Science Education
Mathematics and science education in Singapore aims to cultivate student interest and lay a strong foundation in numeracy and scientific literacy from the early years of formal education. There are policies and programs in place designed to engage students with diverse interests and learning needs. For example, secondary school students with the aptitude and interest may opt to take more demanding mathematics and science courses. They may enroll in schools that specialize in mathematics and science. In addition, programs and resources are in place to help low progress learners at both the primary and secondary levels.
A wide range of STEM enrichment programs complements the formal curriculum at both the school and the national levels. Science fairs, competitions, learning trails (where students apply mathematics and science concepts in outdoor settings), camps, workshops, and attachments to research institutes, for example, serve to engage and motivate students at all levels of learning. At the national level, the MOE works in close collaboration with partners such as the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR) and the Science Center to design programs for both the general student population and those with specific interests and talents. For example, the Singapore Science Centre partners with secondary schools to develop the school-based STEM Applied Learning Program, which allows students to apply their knowledge of science, mathematics, and technology to solving real-world problems. The MOE provides opportunities for students with deep interest and aptitude in mathematics and science to work on research projects with mentors from institutes of higher learning and industries. The MOE also works with overseas STEM education partners to provide students with a variety of exchange opportunities, with a view to broadening their horizons and inspiring them to pursue STEM careers.