Instruction for Mathematics and Science in Primary and Lower Secondary Grades

Grade at Which Specialist Teachers for Mathematics and Science are Introduced

Typically, students first have specialist teachers for mathematics and science in the sixth grade. Because science education is subdivided into separate subjects, science teachers are required to specialize in biology, chemistry, physics, or Earth science. At the lower secondary level, teachers generally specialize in two subjects.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Laboratories

The Framework Education Program for Basic Education (FEP BE) provides directives for equipping schools. As a minimum, schools should have specific spaces dedicated to science and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) instruction. Optimally, they should create dedicated laboratory space, furnished with equipment and tools specific to the subject taught in that space, as well as appropriate audiovisual and ICT equipment. Students in primary grades conduct simple science experiments and take measurements using simple tools and devices. Students in lower secondary grades conduct more sophisticated experiments.

The Czech Republic has no specific requirements for teaching aids, but instructional materials must address the needs of the students. The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports publishes a list of approved textbooks and teaching texts in the Bulletin of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports and on the Internet. These materials comply with the educational objectives stipulated in the Education Act, the Framework Education Programs, and other legal regulations. Schools may use other textbooks and teaching materials that have been approved by the head of school.

Use of Technology

Instruction in ICT is included as a compulsory part of basic education at the primary and lower secondary levels. Programs focus on building elementary operating skills, familiarity with the world of information, working creatively with information, and using information in school and everyday life. Students learn to use computational technology tools, especially calculators, computer software, and other aids in the context of mathematics applications. Students also become better at independent and critical work with information sources.

Accommodation Policies for Instruction and Testing

Students with special education needs are assessed at school advisory centers. These students have a right to a special education that is supported by content, methods, and forms that meet their needs, necessary conditions that enable their education, and the help of a school advisory center. Based on their needs, students are entitled to a range of benefits (e.g., the allocation of a teaching assistant, qualitative evaluation rather than quantitative, individual education, special pedagogical methods, compensatory, rehabilitation, and didactic tools, and special textbooks). There also are special schools for students with moderate to severe mental disabilities, with multiple disabilities, or with autism.16