Suggested Readings

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, Direction de l’Evaluation de la Prospective et de la Performance. (2015). Repères et références statistiques sur les enseignements, la formation et la recherche [Statistical references on education, formation and research]. Retrieved from
This volume presents all statistical information available on the French educational and research system, compiled around 200 themes. This vast data set contributes to and supports debate on the functioning and the results of French schools.

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, Direction de l’Evaluation de la Prospective et de la Performance. (2015). L’état de l’école, Coûts, Activités, Résultats Comparaisons internationales (30 indicateurs) [The state of education, costs, activities, results—30 indicators on the French education system]. Retrieved from
The 2014 edition of this book is freely available to download in English as The state of education, costs, activities, results—32 indicators on the French education system at Gathered in 32 statistical indicators, this 24th edition of The State of Education proposes a synthetic analysis of the costs, activities, and results of the French educational system. Illustrating the compelling questions of French schools, this volume observes school evolution in light of international comparisons.

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, Direction de l’évaluation de la Prospective et de la Performance. (2014). Géographie de l’école [Education geography]. Retrieved from
This publication aims at locating geographical disparities within the French educational system. More than 30 years after the first laws of decentralization, this volume describes the variety of educational contexts within French national territory, and situates current transformations within a historical framework.