Use and Impact of TIMSS

Serbia participated in TIMSS 2011 at the fourth grade. The results were used in several scientific publications40,41,42 as well as for the preparation of two publications presenting TIMSS 2011 sample tasks and student achievement in accordance with the Serbian curriculum.43,44 TIMSS has had impact on education in Serbia in the following ways:

  • Education authorities recognize the results of the study as an indicator of the effectiveness of the educational system in Serbia and as a basis for decision making to improve the quality of education; the current Ministry in Serbia tends to base decision making on research results, and refers to TIMSS results when defining strategies for the development of education and determining the expected levels of student achievement.
  • Previously identified uses of TIMSS are still current in Serbia45 —TIMSS data on school equipment are used to inform decision making on future investment; the TIMSS experience informed the preparation of the final examinations for primary school (e.g., in biology, geography, chemistry, physics, and history); TIMSS methodology was used as a model for national testing (and some of the TIMSS released items were used as well); TIMSS cognitive domains have been incorporated into Serbian education standards; data from TIMSS serve as the basis for various analyses of the primary education system; researchers use TIMSS data for studying education effectively, including its causes and barriers; and TIMSS data and tasks are used in teacher education programs.