Monitoring Student Progress in Mathematics and Science

Thailand uses assessment results to improve the quality of student learning and to evaluate the attainment of learning goals in order to ensure that students achieve the required learning standards. There are four levels of learning assessment in Thailand: classroom assessment, school assessment, local assessment, and national tests.14

The objective of classroom assessment is to monitor student progress in all subjects to determine the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities and identify any need for improvement. Teachers also may use classroom assessment to improve their teaching methods. Classroom assessment may be conducted in various ways (e.g., by asking questions, observing students, checking homework, evaluating projects or assignments such as portfolios, and giving tests). This type of assessment may be conducted by teachers or may take the form of student self-assessment, peer assessment, or parent assessment.

The objectives of school assessment are to monitor student progress in all subjects on an annual or semester basis, evaluate institutional effectiveness in providing education, and identify any need for improvement. Results may be used for local and national comparisons. They also may inform the development of new policies, curricula, projects, learning activities, development plans, and the reporting of various aspects of education to related agencies and parents.

The objective of local assessment is to evaluate the quality of students in a designated service area, according to core curriculum standards. Results from the standardized Local Assessment System can be used as data to help improve the quality of education in the area assessed.

The objective of national tests is to assess the academic proficiency of students in Grades 3, 6, 9, and 12 nationwide, according to core curriculum standards. Data collected from the test results will be used to benchmark the quality of education in Thailand at several levels for the benefit of educational and national policy development.